Clint Eastwood himself has been the subject of the tournament for years, or rather "the American hero." If we look at the last three films at least, we will find the same theme: "Train 15:17 to Paris," last year, about three US soldiers thwarting a terrorist attack on a train from Amsterdam to France, a true story that brought Eastwood soldiers themselves and assigned roles and celebrated them National songs are cracked during the film.

In the year 2016, Eastwood produced a masterpiece titled "Sully" about the story of an American pilot who was forced to land in the Hudson River in 2009 when his plane hit a birdwheel. Two years earlier, Eastwood took out an American sniper on the story of US Army sniper Chris Kyle, Enemies while in Iraq.

The three films share one idea: turning ordinary men into heroes and celebrities through heroic action. But in "The Mule," we see a big change in the idea of ​​the film, with Eastwood in front of the camera and behind it, and here we do not see a starring but very modest of the old cowboy, 89, in a complete coup against all the characters who represented her And remove them or like them without removing them or taking them out without representation.

The film is based on a real story by the old man, Leo Sharp, who published his story Sam Dolnick in the New York Times, where the movie took the story of Sharp and changed the name of the hero and some details, becoming the name of the hero Earl Stone (Eastwood for the first time in front of the camera since 2012) In 2005, to see the hero of the Korean war of 90 years and take care of flowers.

When Earl ignores the wedding of his daughter Iris, Alicante Eastwood's daughter Eastwood, in fact, his relationship with his ex-wife Mary (Dianne West) and his daughter deteriorates. The film moves to 2017, where Earl suffers financial difficulties and decides to work as a cocaine delivery driver at a Mexican drug cartel on the advice of a young man who acted as a link.

The gang's choice for him is that he is an old white man with no criminal record and a strong commitment to traffic laws and his long experience in roads across states. After a number of trips between Illinois and Texas, Earl has the trust of a cartel called Tata, which earns a lot of money, pays off debts and pays for the education and marriage of his granddaughter Jenny (Tessa Farmiga).

The film is located in Peoria, Illinois, which Eastwood depicts as a bleak and dark city, similar to the city of Detroit in the same state where the film Gran Torino took place 10 years ago. The likes of The Meul and Gran Torino are very similar.

The films were written by Nick Shink and directed by Eastwood. The films about an old cowboy suffering intellectual backwardness caused by the Sunni difference between him and other characters of modern generations. In "Gran Torino" Eastwood's character was blatantly racist and masculine, deliberately harassing anyone who accidentally walks her way.

On the other hand, this old film cast racist jokes, neglected for his family, does not hesitate to criticize around him, and does not hesitate to engage in crime after the life of retirement. There is a sub-story in the film about the drug hunt for gang members, and its heroes Laurence Fishburne as the manager of the operation, and his clients on the ground are Colin (Bradley Cooper embodies the character of officer Jeff Moore in the real story) and Trevino (Michael Pena).

Clint Eastwood is a film legend. Although he left the Republican Party and became independent since the 1970s, all his ideas stem from Republican ideology. He supported the nomination of losing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and attacked Democratic President Barack Obama on more than one occasion.

Eastwood pumps in his films many of his political ideas, which reflect the doctrine of the Republicans. In the fifth episode of "Dirty Harry," Eastwood casts the role of the officer who solves every problem with the gun, which is devoted to scenes of spectacle at the beginning and end of each film.

In that quintet he called for the use of weapons in deterring criminals. In this film we see the warriors of the US military glorifying foreign wars by restoring their headquarters of drug money. In "15:17 to Paris", the three American soldiers were directly honored, and although his film "American Sniper" won huge support from Republicans and was strongly criticized by Democrats , But the old cowboy ridiculed the two parties and insisted that his film represents an anti-war view, and that he is a middle man who supports to a certain extent the possession of weapons, but rejects Washington's interference in foreign wars.

Here, we see an old American white woman being exploited by a Mexican gang. The two sides of the equation (the old man and the gang) represent two typical images exploited by US President Donald Trump as a pretext to build his wall on the southern border, and drugs point to the problem of the source of those borders, this confirms all of the above that the old cowboy supporter of the policies of the Republican Party, despite his denial.

The old Cowboy is a myth. He entered History twice from the Western Gate when he revived the Cowboy Cinema in his first three-dollar heroic role, also called the "Untitled Man" trio in the 1960s under the direction of Sergio Leone.

When the West almost came to an end in the late 1980s, Kevin Costner revived him by "Dancing with the Wolves" of his starring and directing, and Eastwood revived his starring and starring Unforgiven. The filmmakers won Oscari's best film and best director in 1990 and 1992.

Oscar won the best film and director again in 2004 Million Dollar Baby, as well as nominations that never stopped over the past decades, and if we look at its history from the beginning to the day to see the talent and passion and craftsmanship that has made us beautiful cinema since 1964 to today, Without ever falling. Even in this very good film, he proves he can still give it on the 90th.

Last year we saw Tiller Sheridan's "Secario 2: Soldier's Day" and was also a supporter of Trump's policies when he filmed the infiltration of Da'sh terrorists across the Mexican-American border. The film was severely attacked by the liberal American media.

On the other hand, the liberal media did not attack the "meowal" despite the stereotypical portrayal of Mexicans as murderers and only shy criticisms. The reason is that it is the old cowboy Clint Eastwood, who imposed his respect and legend on America in all its forms.

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Eastwood is a legend in cinema, and although he left the Republican Party since the 1970s, his ideas stem from his ideology.


In the past years, Clint Eastwood himself has been the subject of the tournament, or rather the "American hero."

Eastwood in front of the camera and behind, and here do not see the starring, but very modest of the old cowboy, 89 years, in a complete coup on all the characters that represented and directed or like without taking them out or without representation.