
Do not relax under the umbrella

What bites should you fear this summer?

Seasonal foods: in summer take watermelon, melon, tomato, cucumber, sardine, sea ox and roe deer

Good weather, outdoor activities, vacations, baths in beaches and swimming pools, barbecues, picnics ... Summer is one of the most anticipated moments of the whole year. However, it is a difficult period for the skin, since it is the time when it is subjected to a greater number of external aggressions. In addition to the harmful sun rays that can accelerate skin aging, there are other factors that can become enemies of the body's largest organ and cause irritations, allergies, alterations and dermal infections .


The star king is the enemy of the skin par excellence in that it is the largest agent of aging - it is responsible for up to 80% of premature skin aging - and the trigger for the development of some diseases such as skin cancer . During the summer, ultraviolet radiation is increased and with it the chances of suffering skin damage.

The most immediate consequence of the damage caused by the king star is the classic burns . Beyond the redness of the skin and the annoying itching or burning caused by the burns, because the damage is cumulative, in the long term it produces photoaging (premature deep wrinkles, sunspots, dry skin ...) while increasing the chances of developing a carcinoma.

To avoid these effects it is essential to use sunscreen , avoid exposure for a long time or avoid the central hours of the day. "It is advisable to apply protection since we left home and not only on the beach or in the pool. Solar radiation is very high at this time and there is a risk of burning at any time, " says Paloma Cornejo, director of the Paloma Clinic Cornejo and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

In addition, the expert recommends "after exposure remove the remains of the photoprotector through a shower so that the pores of the skin remain clean. Then it is necessary to apply a suitable moisturizer to each type of skin that moisturizes and repairs."

The pool

While it helps conserve water in which many people bathe at once, chlorine is one of the biggest irritants of the skin, hair and mucous membranes. It promotes dry skin and "especially affects patients with atopic dermatitis, who have the barrier function of the skin altered. If we add another element that alters it more, it will be easier for new outbreaks."

If time is also extended inside the water, the abrasive effect will be stronger on the skin. However, these liquids begin to be replaced by saline chlorines, much less harmful to the epidermis.

Salt and sand

Sea salt "is a great desiccant that absorbs the water from our skin without realizing it because we are in a humid environment. While the sand adheres to the skin due to moisture and sweating and goes into continuous rubbing with the epidermis," Cornejo account.

Therefore, after a day at the beach it is essential to wash with fresh water afterwards to remove the remains of salt and moisturize the skin if possible with a repair lotion (after sun).

Bad nutrition

In the summer season the outdoor plans multiply. Summer terraces, beach bars, snacks, a more relaxed routine and changes in appetite for high temperatures can cause changes in the usual diet .

"It is a time of excesses in terms of food. The lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as the excess of saturated fat and calories produces greater sebaceous secretion in the skin and generate acne breakouts ." In this sense, maintaining a good diet in summer is essential. Not only will it make the skin look well-groomed and hydrated, but health, in general, will thank you.

"The seasonal foods of summer, especially fruits and vegetables, contain plenty of water, which helps us stay hydrated, and have a high vitamin content, which will make our skin look prettier," says the specialist.

The bites

With the summer heat begins the most active and prolific time of insects, also increase the activities that are carried out outdoors and lighter clothing is used, revealing greater extent of skin. The stingers of mosquitoes and wasps are the most common. "They usually cause local inflammation, redness, itching and pain , which in normal conditions are eliminated with a corticosteroid ointment or topical antibiotic. But if the swelling is very large you should go to a medical center," says the dermatologist.

In addition, "those who may experience allergic reactions to bee and wasp venom must always carry the corresponding medication and be trained to use it if necessary," he continues.

In the coastal areas, the jellyfish sting is one of the most related to summer. It is usually caused by accidental contact with any of its tentacles that release a stinging substance, causing a skin reaction. "If there is contact with a jellyfish, it is not necessary to wash the affected area with fresh water , since if there are remnants of vesicles its contents can spread through the skin. Washing should be done with salt water and then go to a medical center" , says Cornejo. Also, the doctor warns of the need to use flip flops if you are going to walk on the rocks, the possibilities of stepping on a sea ​​urchin , and extreme precautions if snorkeling.

Human papilloma virus

During the summer months "the risk of getting this infection in the feet is higher than at other times of the year. The places where it is usually spread is in the pools, showers, etc. It is advisable to always wear flip flops to the edge of the pool "says Cornejo.

Sweating and fungus

"A greater sweating caused by high temperatures can generate changes in the flora of the skin and can develop pityriasis versicolor . It is a fungal infection caused by a type of yeast that we have on the skin, which is disturbed and causes a rash with peeling skin . It usually appears on the back and chest and affects only the person who develops it. That is, it is not contagious, "says the expert.

In other body areas such as armpits, knees or under the chest (areas with folds), sweat usually causes the appearance of other types of fungi known as candida or dermatophytes . Such as the so-called athlete's foot , which is another frequent infection in summer. "This disorder caused by dermatophytes is caused by being subjected to a humid and hot environment. Not drying your feet well or wearing shoes that do not breathe can cause this condition that causes itching, peeling and burning," he says.

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