“How much the gas price will rise is really a speculative question. If transit stops, in a panic, gas exchanges can react with very fast take-offs (prices - RT ). This does not mean that the price will necessarily double; it can rise one and a half times. If the interruption of transit will be accompanied by other problems, maybe with other suppliers ... then (the price) can double even. But I still think that if you look at the end of the day, it is unlikely to be (price increases). In any case, there will be stress for the gas situation, ”the expert said.

He noted that in this way the Ukrainian side may try to force European countries to “put pressure” on Gazprom.

Earlier, Kobolev said that if there is no transit through Ukraine, then gas prices in Europe could double.

At the same time, he called the scenario unlikely in which Gazprom would continue to supply gas for transit without concluding a contract with Kiev.