Already when the preliminary results of the study came this spring, childbirth clinics around the country were given access to them. When you saw the results at the maternity ward in Falun, you decided to change the procedures for starting.

- We were told the preliminary results that spoke strongly to make it safer for the child to start the birth in week 41. We did not think the results would change and we felt that we had the prerequisites and resources to change our routines immediately, says Agneta Romin, head of women's health care in Dalarna.

Changed as the first region after two deaths

In Dalarna they started with week 41 instead of week 42 as early as April this year, as the first region in the country.

- We had two deaths here in Falun where the patients were included in the study. So it felt even stronger and contributed to the staff here being motivated to make a change. We discussed and could not see that there was any other way. We couldn't wait to make these changes, ”says Agneta Romin.

Now, the clinic in Falun has more than half a year of experience starting week 41, which can be of great benefit if it becomes necessary for more regions in the country to change their routines.

In the clip above, Agneta Romin describes what she has learned from doing earlier start-ups at the maternity ward in Falun.

SVT reported · Startups, fetal movements, delivery routines - ask your questions to the experts

14 h

Do you have questions about pregnancy, childbirth, decreased fetal movements, overbearing or losing a child? Anesthesiologist Malin Asp and senior physician Anders Linde from the Infant Fund provide the answers.

Ask your questions now. The answers come in the chat at 1pm on Friday.

SVT · Henrik Kilefors

13 tim08.27

If there are now clear research results that it is safer for the child's survival to start a birth in V41 instead of in V42. When do we plan to change this in Sweden and adjust so that startups take place at 41 instead?


3 h18.55

Living in Dalarna and here you start in v41, but what does it really mean? Do you start 40 + 0-6 or in week 41 + 0-6?
