• The coming season. 15 exhibitions for the fall
  • Cinema.15 movie to aim
  • Music: The albums of the quarter
  • Gaudí: A genius despised by the vanguard
  • Advance exclusively. 'The testaments' by Margaret Atwood
  • Exclusive prepublication.Sidi 'by Arturo Pérez-Reverte

'Your children after them.' Nicolas Matthieu (Alliance of Novels)

This year's goncourt seems like another initiation novel, this time starring some boys in a town without grace in France, near Luxembourg, throughout the 90s. Names of motorcycle models and supermarkets, songs of Guns 'n'Roses, problems with the supply of hashish, fights on July 14 ... That kind of thing. In the depths, the novel is a chilling political, economic and social chronicle of the 1990s. On sale: September 19

'Six ways to die in Texas'. Marina Perezagua (Anagram)

This is the book and the moment that should take Marina Perezagua to the main streets of the Spanish narrative. From Perezagua we already knew that he has a very radical and evocative way in his approach to the classic unfathomable themes: the body, the pain, the self-destruction. The same ones that, deep down, are behind Six ways to die in Texas through a heart that travels half the world from the body of its donor in China, to that of its recipient in the United States. On sale: September 18

'Stasiland'. Anna Funder (Rocaeditorial)

Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the memory of espionage in the German Democratic Republic has become an almost comical memory, like a tangle film. To avoid this misunderstanding, it is best to recover Stasiland , a book of testimonies and novelistic rhythm, which reappears in a new version. The novelty? Discover that the cadres of the GDR adapted to the new Germany and went forward happily, unlike those who destroyed their lives. On sale: September 19

'West'. Alber Vázquez (The Sphere of Books)

Vázquez has won a legion of readers with the noble art of making adventure novels. Your new delivery has an extra interest as a human fresco. In Poniente , the novel of the trip by Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián Elcano, it matters both the adventure and the hive of characters that appear through its pages, from the throne to the most irrelevant post on board.

'Frankenstein in Baghdad'. Ahmed Saadawi (Asteroid Books)

Art is supposed to dignify our lives also in those places where everything is rough and depressing. Frankenstein in Baghdad uses fantasy and metaphors to add humor and tenderness to the Iraqi reality through a ragman that collects human remains abandoned in the streets and forms with them a single corpse that he hopes to bury with dignity. Spoiler : the body has its own plans.

'A bloody plan'. Graeme Macrae Burnet (Impedimenta)

A true crime but in fine and more complex intellectually. Macrae Burnet travels to Scotland, in the 1860s, to a lost village in the Highlands, the scene of a particularly creepy triple murder. There is a detainee, a child who appeared covered in blood and who, in prison, wrote a surprisingly lucid account of his crimes. So lucid and so well written that the mystery begins there.

'Monkey'. Pola Oloixarac (Random House)

TED talks, Jewish writers who are ashamed of Israel, Arctic landscapes, grievances turned into religion, disinhibition and moralism ... All the marks and cartoons of our time, of the time of the hipsters , are in the portrait of an ephemeral community of Young, handsome and quite disoriented writers. On sale: January 21, 2020

'Me, Gaudí'. Xavier Güell (Gutenberg Galaxy)

Everyone has an image of the work of Antoni Gaudí. His life, however, is an enigma that barely left any clues. The musician Xavier Güell, great-great-grandson and namesake of the principal client of the architect, builds a novel in the form of an epistolary in the style of Adriano's Memories , which unites the points, between the years of the young dandi to those of the pious old man and aggrieved by the avant-garde.

'The painter of souls'. Ildefonso Falcones (Grijalbo)

In the books of Ildefonso Falcones, the epic recreation of a historical landscape (in this case, modernist Barcelona) matters more than the plot, which this time entangles a painter with a young political dissident. If someone sounds like The City of Prodigies , it may be that way.

'The wills'. Margaret Atwood (Salamander)

You just have to explain what The Maid's Tale means, nor the way in which a 34-year-old novel set in an unbelievable future / past speaks of our time. Streaming television has already done that job. The important thing is that Atwood has presented its continuation, an adventure for the next generation written in dystopian times. (Read here an exclusive preview)

'Sidi'. Arturo Pérez-Reverte (Alfaguara)

Sidi is a perfectly recognizable novel for Pérez-Reverte's readers: frontier lands, rough characters that hide a morality of a piece, very simple and without folds. In the landscape, the adventures of El Cid with more emphasis on the political plot that surrounded it. (Read an exclusive preview here).

'An affair too familiar.' Rosa Ribas (Tusquets)

We lacked a classic black novel, of those of disjointed pieces that end up fitting like a puzzle. Rosa Ribas, known for her Spanish-German detective Cornelia Weber-Tejedor, launches a new franchise , starring the Hernández family, dysfunctional and Barcelona.

'Worst part'. Fernando Savater (Ariel)

Every year there is a book that falls like a punch in the stomach but that nobody can avoid. This fall, the date is with the memory / evocation / intimate exploration that Savater makes to the death of his wife, Sara Torres Marrero. Topics: loss, grief, love and all things that make sense when they have already drained over time. On sale: September 17

'The river goes down dirty'. David Trueba (Siruela)

Here are the classic motifs in Trueba's work: friendship, evocation, adolescence, time stopped ... Only this time, the pieces combine to give a darker image. Some facts: two teenagers get bored on their holidays in the countryside. In their routine, they discover a father and a daughter who will show them the pain of the world and the sadness of desire.

'Ready, beautiful, clean'. Anna Pacheco (Trojan Horse)

It is obvious that the issue of the reevaluation that women make of their lives from the feminine conscience marks our time. In that flow of books of similar tone and sound, there are different examples, full of color and humor. For example, this memory of a girl crushed by what weight impossible to identify? That is the mystery. On sale: September 19

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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