Experts on Security Measures on the Internet Video Conference Explosion April 9 16:08

Due to the rapid increase in the number of users of videoconferencing systems via the Internet due to the new coronavirus, experts have updated the software to the latest version and understood the necessity of security measures such as understanding security and using it. Points out.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the government is urging the government to promote telework and online lessons, and the use of Internet video conferencing systems is rapidly increasing.

On the other hand, a security weakness was found in one of the video conferencing software provided by US IT companies, and the need for security measures has been pointed out, such as alerting the National Information Processing Promotion Agency this month.

According to information security expert Nobuyuki Ueno, when using videoconferencing software, the risk of cyber attacks can be reduced by always updating the software to the latest version.

Even if there is no problem with the software, the new coronavirus may have increased the number of opportunities for unfamiliar people to use it, and in some cases the security measures may be inadequate.

Mr. Ueno stated, "I would like the URL of the meeting not to be disclosed to an unspecified number of people, but to take thorough basic measures such as setting a password. There are differences in the level of security depending on the software. You need to consider the content and decide what to use. "