It was at the beginning of November that the Board of Teachers 'Association in Lidköping invited the parties' group leaders to a meeting in the municipal council. The Swedish Democrats accepted yes.

- Then it took a week, then I got an email that it was a mistake. We were not invited at all. It was because of our values ​​and other different sweeping reasons they had to avoid having us with us, ”says Tomas Persson, vice chairman of the Sweden Democrats in Lidköping.

How did it feel to have the invitation withdrawn?

- I was disappointed. I am also a substitute for children and school, in the committee that handles these issues and looked forward to the meeting and to meet the Teachers' Union without any conditions.

The Teachers 'Union refers to the Swedish Democrats' values ​​- that it does not correspond to their own.

- I don't really know where they want to go with it. We have no further explanation for this. I think it is unfortunate that you refer to values.

But the Teachers' Union has no obligation to invite all group leaders.

- They can invite whoever they want. But if they are a democratic alliance, they should be interested in hearing the views of all political parties, says Persson.

Refuses to comment

When SVT seeks representatives from the Teachers' Union, all refuse to stand for an interview. However, they make a statement in an email. Federation Secretary Anders Åhlin writes that the Federal Board has decided that they do not cooperate with political parties and organizations that do not share their values.

And that the Swedish Democrats' values ​​are contrary to the Teachers' Union - partly because they are opposed to "multiculturalism" - while the Teachers' Union stands for a multicultural society.

Tomas Persson thinks that the Teachers' Union must accept the democratic rules of the game.

- We are a democratic party and they are a democratic alliance. You can sit down and talk, at any rate, without interfering with values.

But when the foundation of value collapses - are they not entitled to decide not to invite you?

- Clearly they can decide who they want to meet. But it looks bad. I think they've done away with it. When they first invite and then take back and refer to value bases. We are not that dangerous.

Third largest party

And Tomas Persson believes that the Teachers' Union goes against their own values.

- They should not teach a value basis to the students and say that everyone is equally worthy and then exclude, bully out, a party that is quite large.

- We are the third largest party in Lidköping and then you have to accept it, says Tomas Persson.