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Women have the period for about 35 years of their life. According to estimates, from the first menstruation to menopause (up to approximately 50 years) they will use around 10,000 buffers and compresses. This translates into an extra expense that fluctuates around € 1,500, depending on the type and number of products you use during your period and that not everyone can pay, which triggers health problems. Given this situation, the question is clear: Why are compresses and tampons still considered a luxury product?

With the aim of correcting this imbalance, the Scottish parliament has passed a law so that intimate hygiene products are free, becoming the first country in the world to do so. The measure, passed with 112 votes in favor , none against and one abstention, seeks to combat "menstrual poverty" and end gender inequalities. However, a second stage has yet to pass, in which deputies can propose amendments.

As soon as it enters into force, women can find these products at no cost in public places such as health centers, youth clubs or pharmacies.

In 2019, Scotland already surprised with a pioneering initiative: it became the first country to distribute these products for free to students of all educational levels. A year earlier it already guaranteed access to students without resources. However, after the approval of this Law, which will have an annual cost to the State of 28.6 million euros, it extends that right to all women in the country.

The problem of the so-called pink rate, the tax that widens the gender gap in the supermarket, is not exclusive to Scotland. For example, in our country, caps and pads have the same VAT as sports shows.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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