Some animals maintain their presence on the planet despite the small number and small size and classification of scientists as extinct organisms long ago, because of the damage to the environments in which they live as a result of human activity harmful to nature and the removal of many forests and pollution of the oceans with toxic waste.

Ekaterina Komisarova, in a report published by the Russian site FBR, reviews the species of animals that are considered extinct.

Fish silcanth
Numerous books in classical biology in the early 20th century pointed to the extinction of this fish, but scientists found it again in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.

Selcanth morphology has an articular skull, a tube-shaped heart and an empty brain of any content.

Although these creatures have lived on the planet for more than 400 million years, they are threatened with extinction and currently do not exceed ten thousand fish, and is decreasing due to unregulated fishing and pollution of ocean waters.

Wallace's giant bee was only seen a few times after its discovery in 1858 (websites)

Giant Wallace Bee
The giant Wallace bee is about twice the size of a regular honeybee, but it is largely unavailable in the wild and has only been seen several times after its official discovery by Alfred Wallace in 1858, before scientists found its 2019 female in a termite nest during a study mission. They made it.

The first sample of this lizard was discovered in 1872 in a place near New Caledonia, and disappeared for hundreds of years and was not found in the globe, which led some to believe that they are among the extinct animals before they were found again in 2004.

The saqqquriya is unique in its shape and has sharp and curved tusks indicating that it feeds mainly on meat, although most of these animals follow a vegetarian diet based on eating spiders, crabs and other lizards.

Rare Argan Forest Turtle living only in Bangladesh and Myanmar forests (websites)

Nelson tiger with a small ear
The tiger was first discovered in 1894 in southern Mexico by Edward Nelson and Edward Goldman while climbing the San Martin Tuxtla Mountains and disappeared for a century.

In 2003, scientists found four samples of this type in the same place, and these creatures are one of the rarest creatures on the planet and up to about ten centimeters in length.

Gleam raven water
The animal was classified as an extinct animal more than a hundred years ago, but was again found in January 2003 by professional bird photographer Brian Thomas.

Scientists have verified that the animals are returning from extinction, before local hunters noticed the bird's presence in 2005 as well.

Argan Forest Turtle
This type of turtle is a rare amphibian living only in the forests of Bangladesh and Myanmar, and was first discovered in 1908 by a British military officer.

Despite the scarcity of this type of turtle, the local people used it in cooking because they believe that eating meat meat ED and infertility and bring wealth and happiness.

Camouflage is a tactic used by Argan forest turtles to hide from hunters, and they feed on fish and worms.

In recent years, the turtle protection organization has defended the endangered species and has managed to create areas to protect a number of them and increase their species at the Atlanta Zoo.

Wood crabs found in Australia and used as bait for fishing (websites)

Crab wood
Wood crabs have been found on Lord Howe Island, about 600 kilometers from Australia's east coast, and are often used by the local population as bait or food for fishing.

In 2001, a couple of these species were found on the Bulls pyramid, and one was handed over to the Melbourne Zoo, allowing the conservation of this rare species.

New Guinea singer dog
This type of dog is considered one of the rarest animals in the world, and until 2016 was thought to be an extinct animal, and this type of dog is characterized by the ability to howling unusually (similar to singing).

Australian Night Parrot
This bird is one of the rarest birds in the world, and ornithologists from all over the world have spent decades trying to find and photograph it.

This bird was first seen in 1861, and was considered between 1912 and 1979 of extinct animals until it was reported that it was seen in 2017.

Musk Kashmir Gazelle
Until 1949, Afghanistan, Nepal, India, and Pakistan were home to this rocky mountain animal, living on grass and flowers, but it has become an endangered animal due to irregular hunting.

Albanian snake is one of the most dangerous animals on Earth

The animal was considered extinct in 1921, but was again found in 2000 by scientists involved in hunting mice in Indonesia. It is characterized by long nails used in daily life and the ability to move his head in both directions quickly.

Albanian Snake
The Albanian snake is one of the most dangerous animals on Earth and is found in South Africa.