Harvest season of special product "Fukaya leek" Saitama Fukaya December 10 5:18

Harvest of “Fukaya leek”, a special product in Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture, is one of the largest onion production areas in Japan.

Fukaya City is one of the nation's leading producers of leeks in approximately 470 hectares, utilizing the temperature difference between morning and evening and the fertile land along the Tone River.

The special product “Fukaya leek” is characterized by its soft and strong sweetness, and it is also popular as an ingredient in pots.

In the onion field in the Fujisawa area of ​​Fukaya City, farmers dig up the leeks using machines, then peeled them off at their home workplace, sorted them by thickness, and packed them into containers.

I was worried about the effects of the typhoon on the growth, but it was the same as usual.

Onion farmer Kazuhiko Baba said, “I want as many people as possible to eat the onion I made with time and effort”.

The peak season for shipments of “Fukaya Negi” is that it will last until around February next year.