Review of Japanese-style employment system Clearly Keidanren's guidelines for spring fight January 21 16:44

Keidanren has officially announced management's guidelines for the spring fight. He urged a review of the long-lasting Japanese-style employment system, such as collective recruitment of new graduates, lifetime employment, and seniority-based wages, as "more and more cases are not suitable for the times."

This was announced on Thursday at a press conference by Vice Chairman Tetsuji Ohashi, who is in charge of labor policy at Keidanren.

The guidelines are characterized by a clear renewal of the long-lasting Japanese-style employment system since the war, such as collective recruitment of new graduates, lifetime employment, and seniority-based wages.

While the guidelines state that the Japanese-style employment system had advantages in long-term human resource development and systematic recruitment, while the business environment is changing due to globalization and digitalization of corporate activities, " The number of cases is increasing. "

In addition, in order to secure talented and highly motivated young employees overseas, we are calling for an increase in mid-career and full-year recruitment, and a study of a pay raise system that places more emphasis on work performance rather than age or length of service. You.

In addition, in this guideline, he stated that raising the base salary would be an option, and showed a positive attitude toward raising wages. However, when raising, it should not be done uniformly, but should also consider ways to prioritize distribution according to the content and results of work.

The Kotonoharu fighting will actually start with the top talks between the Keidanren and the Alliance scheduled to take place on 28th of this month, but labor and management will discuss not only wage levels but also how to review the employment system itself. Discussions are likely to take place.

Ohashi, Vice Chairman

In a press conference, Keidanren's Vice Chairman Ohashi of the Japan-based employment system stated in a press conference, "Regular recruitment in spring, long-term employment until retirement, and a seniority-based wage system have supported Japan's growth and employed younger workers compared to overseas. It is undoubtedly a good system in the sense that the rate is high, but as digitalization and globalization progress, the boundaries between industries and between industries and industries are disappearing and changing, so today's changes are intensifying. It is a fact that it is becoming more difficult just by the flow up to that point. "

Mr. Ohashi also stated that "review of the employment system is an item to be discussed by labor and management throughout the year, not only in this spring fight," he said.