An investment seminar is popular with young people who are worried about pensions

Regarding the pension, there is a report from the Financial Services Agency that the assets to prepare for retirement are “20 million yen required”, and the younger generation is worried about the future. Under these circumstances, there are many people who want to start investing from a young age in preparation for the future.

Last month, an investment seminar held in Tokyo estimated how much women in their twenties needed for their future lives.

After making your own life plan, such as how old you are to marry and whether you want to buy a home, calculate how much you will need for Internet sites. It then calculates whether you can cover these costs with your job income or future pension.

Some of the participants were expected to be in the red, and received advice from the instructors on how to save and invest.

The woman who participated said, “I am worried that I will get enough pensions because the birthrate will continue to fall in the future.

According to the organizers, the number of people who come to learn how to form assets has doubled since the 20 million yen problem.

Takahiro Kodama, the president of “booke”, who hosted the seminar, said, “Many people are worried about how much they will have for their retirement pensions and how to build assets for the future. They have the right knowledge about money. I think it's important for people who are able to do this to build assets from a young age. "