During the 2017 raid, blood and urine tests, medications and equipment were seized. Afterwards, it turned out that all riders passed the tests and they were allowed to participate in the World Cup.

But in November 2018, the International Biathlon Federation (IBU) shut down the nine biathletes, arguing that they violated the anti-doping rules.

Now IBU is changing and writes in a press release that the case against the nine Kazakhs, six of whom were included in last year's Olympic squad, is closed because of insufficient evidence.

The archers are Galina Visjnevskaya, Alina Raikova, Darja Klimina-Ussanova, Olga Poltoranina, Jan Savitsky, Maxim Brun, Anna Kistanova, Anton Pantov, Vassilij Potkorytov.