Oil prices climbed 10 percent on Monday morning in Asia, two days after attacks on oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia.

The situation in Saudi Arabia is driving a barrel of oil on the financial markets. In France, professionals in the oil sector are already announcing price increases at the pump. What revive the fear of social grumbling, as was the case with the "yellow vests". A rise in the barrel scrutinized very closely by the government, which reserves the right to act.

"It's demagogic, it's very expensive, and it only saves a few cents ..."

There are two levers to limit the rise in prices at the pump: "We can block taxes on VAT or play on the floating TICP ...", says a counselor in Bercy. But for now, the government is watching, and will only move if price increases last. A floating tax? "It's demagogic, it's very expensive, and it saves only a few cents that do not seem, anyway, never enough ...", laments an adviser to the Prime Minister ...

But one year after the "yellow vests", no way to let the French think that the government remains passive in the face of rising gasoline. If prices skidded, the executive would be forced to draw such a solution, even partially effective, to launch a political signal. This does not prevent, for now, to remember that the best solution to reduce our dependence on oil is to accelerate the energy transition.