Norwegian dogs may not participate in exhibitions, tests or competitions until further notice.

- We have taken that action on our competitions. In addition, judges who judge will not carry out dental checks, the owner himself must do. We do not dig in our mouths to minimize the risk of spreading the infection, ”says Rosenberg.

Also Denmark and Finland's kennel clubs have stopped Norwegian equipage from participating in competitions.

- The risk of being infected is greater when you are many, just as for people. One should always be careful. Dogs should avoid greeting each other and smelling of feces. Then we minimize the nationalities.

Large dog shows are organized this weekend

More information is now awaited from the Norwegian and Swedish authorities. A new decision will be made next week.

- You should contact the veterinarian immediately if you suspect infection.

During the weekend, two large dog shows in Sweden, which is expected to attract many participants. But no matter what competition it is about s, Norwegian dogs must not participate.

- We have rejected everyone, even though they have been in Sweden for several weeks, says Rosenberg.