General Director of the General Department of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai, Major General Mohammed Al-Marri, stated that the administration implemented early, an exceptional package of measures to address Corona Virus Covid 19, and confirmed that all front-row employees in all outlets are free of the virus after their examination, and said that all visa holders will be exempt Residence and visit of any financial fines within three months, extendable.

Al-Marri said in an intervention with Dubai TV that the administration had faced the problem of corona virus outbreaks from an early age, as it was able, through proactive efforts, vigilance, awareness, and follow-up, to protect front row employees in all Dubai airports, land and sea ports, and at the country level from Infection with the virus, where everyone has been tested for health and safety.
Al-Marri explained that the administration initiated the implementation of the directives of the leadership directly, which facilitated everyone, as all will be exempt from fines exceeding the duration of the visit or residence for a period of 3 months subject to extension, starting from the first of March, including those whose residency ends while they are outside the state.

He continued: "With the onset of the crisis, the administration began preparing and promoting work in the call centers, who provide their services in most languages ​​to the nationalities present in the country," calling on the administration to call the administration's toll-free number 85111, to receive answers to any inquiries, stressing that the UAE is a homeland for all, and everyone who Looking for security and stability.

He pointed out that the administration implemented several qualitative initiatives that were inherently preventive from the spread of the Corona virus, including the employee’s transportation through the airport without going through the passport employee, and successfully completed experiments, as well as issuing visas remotely, and pointed out that the experience of working remotely, the administration had applied since The year 2014, which made the implementation now easy without any problems.
He emphasized that all medical examinations of the Coronavirus are conducted free of charge for all, including those who violate the residence, as citizens and residents work side by side, at the heart of one man, and the government did not differentiate in its dealings between a citizen and a resident, so everyone in the UAE is equal.

He said that the administration cooperates with all the authorities at the state level, and stressed that everyone thanks to the procedures followed in a safe place, as long as everyone abides by the alerts of the concerned authorities.