It is noted that in terms of gas availability for the population (the ratio of wages to gas prices), Russia ranks third among European countries.

According to the study, in Russia as a whole, a little more than 6.3 thousand cubic meters of network gas can be bought for average net wages.

Moreover, as the agency reports, the values ​​of this indicator in different regions differ by more than 7 times. So, in 14 regions, gas availability is higher than the national level.

According to the rating, gas is least available in the Saratov, Ivanovo, Irkutsk and Kirov regions.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper reported that a single payment document for housing and communal services could appear in Russia.

The chairman of the commission on housing and communal services, construction and roads of the Public Chamber of Russia Igor Shpector, in an interview with the NSN, evaluated the proposal to introduce a single payment.