The strike against the pension reform should again be closely followed in the National Education. Francette Popineau, co-secretary general of the first teachers' union of schools, explains on Europe 1 that the mobilization could last.


Teachers are still likely to go on strike on Tuesday to protest the pension reform. Francette Popineau, co-secretary general and spokesperson for SNUIpp-FSU, the first school teachers' union, says the mobilization should last. "We are on a long-term plan of action, so there are moments of varying intensity, there are high points, Thursday was one, and so will Tuesday. "The movement is part of the long time," she warns Monday on Europe 1, on the eve of the second day of protest against pension reform.

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"Like a beaded strike"

Thursday, the first day of strike against the pension reform, teachers were very strongly mobilized: 51.15% in primary and 42.32% in secondary (high schools and high schools), according to the ministry. Friday, the rate of strikers had dropped sharply, to 4.55% in the primary and 5.42% in the secondary. "Colleagues go on strike in a circular manner, like a bumpy strike," explains Francette Popineau. "All teachers do not go on strike the other days, it helps to mark the landscape while the movement is in the long time."

If the strike should be again very followed in the National Education, Francette Popineau is currently not able to measure the extent. "We do not have any numbers to communicate, but what we do know is that primary school teachers have always warned families to get organized," said SNUIpp-FSU co-secretary general. .