“Metropolitan Lutsk and Volynsky Mikhail Zinkevich, who enjoys the support of the main sponsors of the church, is called the main contender for the head of the PCU,” the source said.

At the same time, it is indicated that Zinkevich is supported by Ukrainian entrepreneurs who financed the procession of the non-canonical church structure in Kiev on July 28.

According to the publication, the patrons were "furious", as the number of people at the procession of the supporters of the Orthodox Church was "15 times less than that of the supporters of the UOC."

The article says that the sponsors demanded an explanation because of the low number of people at the event, "but Michael replied that he had given all the money to Epiphanius, so the demand is now only from him."

Earlier, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine confirmed the liquidation of the non-canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate.