
April 9, 2020 Luigi Camporota, the Italian doctor who is treating the English premier Boris Johnson, in Catanzaro, his hometown, remembers many. In the capital of Calabria, where the mother and a brother still live, the infectious disease specialist who is entrusted with the life of the Prime Minister of his British majesty graduated and then moved to London.

In the university citadel, on the outskirts of the city which also gave birth to Nobel Prize winner Renato Dulbecco, he is remembered as one of the best students and no one is surprised that in the British metropolis he is appreciated for his clinical studies to the point of being treated the most powerful man in the UK.

The "Times", remembers Pino Nisticò, former president of the Calabria Region as well as an internationally renowned pharmacologist, in the past a teacher in Catanzaro and a profound connoisseur of London circles, defines Camporota "an excellence in the field of intensive care and the treatment of respiratory diseases ". Nisticò ran the school of specialization in respiratory diseases that formed Camporota.

After completing his studies in Catanzaro, in 1995, the young Calabrian doctor was sent over the Channel by one of his teachers, prof. Mino Pelaja, another Catanzaro considered among the greatest respiratory disease specialists, for a doctorate at the University of Southampton. Now Camporota, who was also a pupil of prof. Serafino Marsico, one of the founders of the Magna Grecia University of Catanzaro, works in the English scientific community at the Department of Intensive Care for Adults of the Guy's-St Thomas Institute in London.

"The so-called 'Catanzaro school' of Medicine - says Nistico with pride, friend and collaborator of Rita Levi Montalcini - has expressed great genius and scientists who have made themselves known all over the world".

To name a few, the current rector of the University of Catanzaro, Giovambattista De Sarro, who worked at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, and Enzo Libri, director of clinical pharmacology at Imperial College in the same city, Calabrian from Lamezia Terme ( Catanzaro), as well as the Reggio Enzo Mollace who worked in turn with a Nobel, John Vane, and with the pharmacologist Salvador Moncada who discovered prostacycline and nitroxide, "the molecule of life".