At the microphone of the "Grand Journal of the evening", the Secretary of State to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs downplayed the announcement of the strike call of the CFDT Cheminot "from the evening of December 4" .


It is the most reformist union, and yet it will also be in the street on December 5 with the other representative organizations of the SNCF (CGT, Unsa and South Rail). The CFDT Cheminots has called for a strike "from the evening of December 4" against a reform "that may call into question the special regimes". Bad news for the government which is therefore alone against all the "black Thursday" in transport promised by the unions.

>> READ ALSO - The CFDT Railway workers on strike from the evening of December 4, but "it is not a call against pension reform"

Guest of the "Great evening newspaper" minutes after this announcement, the Secretary of State to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne tempered this call to strike recalling that "the dialogue continues [ ...] and that he never stopped ". Campaign program Emmanuel Macron in hand, he recalls that "the president was committed to that we put in place a pension system that is fair.The existing, we inherit 70 years, with an economic context that was different ".

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