J1 The last position of retirement from the director.

Soccer J1 was played in the remaining 2 games in Section 23.

Matsumotoyama Masa vs. Nagoya Grampus were drawn one-on-one.

Matsumotoyama Masaru took the lead with Ryu Nagai's goal in the second half of the 35th minute. However, just before the end, Grampus's Shuhei Akasaki scored a tie and missed the first victory in 10 games.
Matsumotoyama Masaru is 17th with 20 points. Grampus is ninth with 31 points.

Gamba Osaka vs. Jubilo Kamata drew one-on-one.

Jubilo left the first 15 minutes and was one less. However, just before the end, Jito Nakayama took a penalty kick and caught up.

Jubilo's retired coach Hidehito Suzuki resigned to 3 in the first league match of the head coach Kobayashi Satoshi, who tentatively supervises, but remains at the bottom with 18 points.