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A 7-year-old Honduran migrant, near the Gateway International Bridge, on the border between Mexico and the United States, in Metamoros on September 12, 2019. REUTERS / Veronica G. Cardenas

After the US Supreme Court has authorized the Trump administration to deny asylum to a majority of migrants at the border, tens of thousands of migrants en route to the United States are now wondering how they will achieve their "American dream" ". Because they are now obliged to apply for refugee status in a third country.

With our correspondent in Mexico, Alix Hardy

At Casa Tochan, a refuge in Mexico City, a lawyer came to tell the migrants the hard news. " Now, if you go to the US border, you will not be able to seek asylum. It's not really the right time to try . "

" Frustration and indignation "

" I feel a lot of frustration and indignation ," said Angel, 22, who fled Honduras to escape the gangs trying to recruit him. Why are they doing this ? The United States does not have the right to decide who is a good and who is a bad migrant. "

Entering the United States legally had already become an obstacle course in recent months because of the many rules that the Trump administration introduced . This new trap is a hard blow, but not enough to discourage migrants, who are fleeing an unbearable situation, Angel recalls.

Take his troubles patiently

" They may say that the Central Americans can not come to the United States, that's not what will stop us , he insists. There are other ways to get in, it's just logical. "

Others have taken their trouble and filed an asylum application in Mexico waiting for more favorable times. The country , overwhelmed, received 50,000 cases this year, while the US decision is expected to trigger an unprecedented wave of applications.

READ ALSO: United States, Supreme Court ruled Trump right on asylum law