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The Hong Kong South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported Tuesday that a dog in Hong Kong who has confirmed coronavirus infection-19 (Corona19) has been 'weak' on the Corona19 test.

According to the SCMP, Hong Kong officials have tested a corona 19 test on samples of dogs in their mouths, noses and anus, and confirmed the findings.

The housekeeper, who lives with the contributor in Hong Kong's Taihang region, was also infected with corona 19, and authorities sent the pet to a shelter for corona 19 testing.

However, the authorities found that there was much more to be examined and did not make a corona19 confirmation on this dog.

Hong Kong officials say the dog has yet to show signs of Covid19. "There is still no evidence that a pet can be infected with Corona19 or cause human infection."

The authorities said, "We will do more tests to see if the dog is really infected with Corona 19 or simply have a virus in our mouth or nose." Said.

Earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) said there is no evidence that pets, such as dogs and cats, can be infected with Corona19.

However, we recommend washing your hands with soap after contact with your dog.

Hong Kong officials said, "Corona19 confirmers must leave their mammal pets in a sanctuary," he said. "These pets will be tested by a veterinarian for 14 days."

The authorities said, "After contact with pets, it is best to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol disinfectant." If the pet's condition changes, seek advice from veterinarians as soon as possible.

(Photo = Yonhap News)