Kita Tenkai won the Grand Sumo Tournament in Kyushu at the beginning

The second stage of the Sumo Kyushu place was Chiaki Raku's 24th, where the 7-game winners were all won, and Kita Tenkai, an Onoe room from Mongolia, won the championship.

In the second stage of the Kyushu place, Kita Tenkai in the Onoe room and Murata in the Takasago room lined up in all seven wins, and Chiaki Raku's winning match was held on the 24th.

In the decisive match, Kita Tenkai won the championship by defeating Murata in a “close-by”. Hokutenkai is 20 years old from Mongolia. Last year, I retired from Takanoiwa, a former former shogunate in the former shogunate.

Hokutenkai said, “The winning match was the opponent who lost in the previous place, and I was disappointed and wanted to win the place now. I was talking.