Job-age ice age generation support Over 65 billion yen in three years Action plan finalized Government 23 December 17:56

In order to support the so-called employment ice age generation, the government will secure an amount of more than 65 billion yen over the next three years, compile an action plan to provide vocational training and allocate support staff, and the Minister for Economic Revitalization Nishimura will support He explained to the parties in the organization and called for cooperation.

According to the action plan compiled by the government, in addition to securing financial resources of over 65 billion yen over the three years up to the fiscal year of Showa 4, vocational training in cooperation with industry organizations with high needs for human resources and supporters who support those who are withdrawn And the creation of grants to support local government initiatives.

Minister Nishimura, the Minister for Economic Revitalization, met with officials from organizations that support the withdrawal and explained the contents of the action plan on the 23rd.

He said, "We have secured a budget so that we can continue to provide support for creating a place to stay. We want to work together as a ministry to create an open society while being close to each individual's circumstances." Was.

On the other hand, while the groups said that they would like to work together while exchanging opinions with the government, others pointed out that it is necessary to provide a wide range of support to people with withdrawal, regardless of generation. it was done.

The government intends to enhance measures by conducting interviews with related organizations that are promoting advanced initiatives.

Support organization "building a place to think together is important"

After the meeting, Kei Kudo of NPO "Kikurai Net", which supports the employment of young people, told reporters, "Not the traditional indirect employment policy, but the transportation expenses and scholarships for HelloWork etc. We have included direct benefits, including support for partial repayments, and hope that the hard-earned people's access to facilities will spread to other generations. "

In addition, Kyoko Hayashi, President of the “Hikikomori UX Conference”, which provides support for hikikomori people, said, “It is also necessary to create a place where people can live, and to build safe human relationships. It is important to build a place to think together, such as asking what is really necessary, including what we need. "