France Prohibit public financing for coal production in developing countries Oct. 26 10:20

As criticism of coal use leading to greenhouse gas emissions is growing internationally, the French Minister of Economy, Le Mer, has shown a policy of effectively banning public financing for coal production in developing countries. It was.

France's Minister of Economic Affairs Le Mer spoke at a meeting on financial assistance to developing countries held in Paris on the 25th and explained the measures against global warming promoted by the French government.

In this report, it was made clear that a bill prohibiting public guarantee from next year was proposed for projects related to surveys and production outside France for coal that would lead to greenhouse gas emissions. .

Rumer said that it would be the first measure in Europe to effectively support coal use in developing countries, saying, “It will be the first country in Europe that prohibits public financing of coal outside the country.” The

France plans to close all domestic coal-fired power plants by 2022, but according to the IEA = International Energy Agency, coal-fired power is the largest of 38% of the world's total power generation, mainly in developing countries. Usage is expected to continue.

The French government has taken a stance to strengthen countermeasures both at home and abroad, as environmental NGOs are strongly criticizing financing for coal-fired power in developing countries.