10 benefits of beetroot that encourage its adoption as a major source of disease control of all kinds are presented as follows:

Improve athletic performance
Athletes consume beetroot juice to boost their performance. It improves oxygen flow, ensuring less effort for the heart and lungs during sports activities.

Inflammation is associated with certain health conditions, such as cancer, heart disease and obesity. Beetroot helps reduce inflammation by inhibiting the inflammatory signaling process.

Helps digestion
Beetroot is rich in fiber, so it is good for intestinal health. While the fiber content of the stomach and small intestine is not digested, it moves into the colon and is brewed by the "good" gut bacteria and used for food.

For brain health
Interruption of nitric oxide pathways is associated with many cognitive diseases, therefore, nitrates in beets enhance brain function by improving oxygen flow.

And heart health
Vegetables, such as beets, carrots and spinach are full of compounds called nitrates. Nitrates are converted to nitric oxide within the body. Nitric oxide helps open blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and heart rate.

Anti - cancer
Beetroot can help protect against cancer, because of its antioxidant properties, and fight harmful cells. Betanine in beet is believed to have anti-cancer properties.

Strengthen the immune system
Beetroot is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote immune health. These nutrients include copper, zinc, vitamins A and C.

For eye health
Beet dyes play an important role, along with fruits and vegetables filled with useful dyes, in maintaining eye health, and help to avoid macular degeneration associated with age.

Save the liver
Beetroot contains antioxidants, betaine, iron and vitamin B, nutrients that promote liver health. Betaine in beet helps the liver get rid of toxins.

Improve sex drive
Beetroot contains essential mineral elements to produce sex hormones and help people with a different sexual problem.