Day 5 of Sumo Kyushu Place Takashigekatsu and Takayasu Two Great Seki loses November 14 21:58


On the fifth day of the Sumo Kyushu place, both Kagekatsu and Takayasu's Ozeki enjoyed a black star.

Winning or losing after entering the middle.

▽ Daishomaru won the exaggeration of Shosho.
▽ The new entrance, Wakataka Kage, is closed from the 14th with a pain in the right foot during the 13th. Teru became a bye-win.
▽ The victory of Takashi over Daishoen is close to the victory of Takashi.
▽ Chiyo Dairyu sticks out to Nishiki.
▽ Chiyomaru is pushed out to Ishiura by Chiyomaru.
▽ Masayo koto koto chrysanthemum won the koto scholar chrysanthemum. Masayo's winning streak from the first day ceased to be a success in the shogunate. Koto Shogiku is now the first white star.
▽ Sama Sea is close to Sada Sea.
▽ Toyoyama is protruding from Mt.
▽ Koto Emitsu is enthusiastic about Kensho.
▽ Flame drops to Ulsan. From the second day, the flamingo has won four consecutive victories after winning over 199 kg of Ulsan.
▽ Aki Saki is pushed by Atake Saki.
▽ Ryuden onion is onion pushed by onion.
▽ Asanoyama is the best of Kitanosho-fuji.
▽ Endo sticks out to A flame.
▽ Tochinoshin is closed on the 14th after hurting around the right flank on the 13th. Daiei Sho won the battle.
▽ The sea of ​​Oki is close to the Sea of ​​Oki in the Sekiwaki Mitake Sea.
▽ Ozeki to Akio Takayasu won Akio's big twist. Kakuban's Takayasu, who fell to Sekiwaki after losing, lost 2 wins and 3 losses in a row.
▽ Ozeki Takara Fuji won the scenic spot, and Takara Fuji won. Takashigekatsu who returned to Ozeki enjoyed his second loss.
▽ Yokozuna to Myogi Dragon The white birch won the white birch.