Convenience store closed in the center of Chiba Prefecture September 12 at 12:50 due to power failure and store damage

Convenience stores in the Tokyo metropolitan area continue to be closed mainly in Chiba Prefecture due to the power outage caused by Typhoon # 15.

Of these, 72 stores in Chiba Prefecture are closed at 8 am due to the power outage.

Due to the power outage, 28 stores in Chiba Prefecture are closed at Ministop.

Seven-Eleven means that dozens of stores are closed mainly in Chiba Prefecture as of 7:00 am due to power outages and damaged stores.

Lawson has 107 stores closed in Chiba Prefecture and 2 stores in Kanagawa Prefecture at 5:00 pm on the 10th, and we are confirming the situation on the 11th.