<Oh! Click> The last search term is 'Go bullying!'

Australian National League rugby stadium.

As the boy appeared, more than 20,000 spectators cheered.

This boy is a nine-year-old Qaden who complained about the pain of bullying and hurts many people.

Kwaden, who had been bullied at school for congenital dwarfism, was eager to say that she didn't want to live in front of her mother a few days ago.

The screaming Kwaden's video was very resonant.

There were numerous messages of support from all over the world, and Kwaden's favorite rugby team decided to invite him to play.

The crowd gave applause to Kwaden, who appeared with the players.

Her face was a bit shy, but she smiled.

Kwaden's mother said in an interview, "Thank you to everyone who supports her son, not only in Australia but around the world."

The netizens responded, "I'm so sorry. I don't want my child to suffer anymore ..." "I will always get back bullying. Stop right now!"

(Source: YouTube Ads AndbitsNRL on Nine)