Extract from the original comic series "The Eternals" - © J. Kirby & Marvel 2019

Homophobes mobilized! Several Christian organizations, including One Million Moms, the association known to be anti-LGBT +, call for a boycott of the next Marvel Eternals , an American superhero film directed by Chloé Zhao, expected in French theaters on November 4.

Eternals will stage the first gay couple in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “I am married to the gay superhero Phastos, played by Brian Tyree Henry, who we saw in the Atlanta series . We are a gay family and we have a child, "announced comedian Haaz Sleiman, who introduced himself as" a gay, Muslim and Arab American man "in a video interview with Logo , published a week ago.

Haaz Sleiman also revealed in this interview that Eternals will host the first kiss between men in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “Everyone cried on the set. For me, it is very important to show how loving and beautiful a queer family can be, ”he added.

Petitions to boycott the film have already been launched

Petitions to boycott the film have already been launched. "There have been many attempts by the entertainment industry to indoctrinate families with the subject LGBT + discreetly and now more openly," deplores the association One Million Moms, in a message relayed by the LGBT + GayTimes media. And to emphasize: "As moms, we all want to know when Marvel is trying to desensitize our family by normalizing the LGBT + lifestyle. "

And to call for a boycott of the film: "Unless Marvel removes the gay superhero and the same-sex kiss, my family will not be watching this film." Marvel left Conservatives with no choice but to avoid Eternals "

The association had already organized the boycott of Toy Story 4 where we see two women caring for a child. In Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the new Pixar and Disney film, En Avant, will not be released in cinemas, due to an openly lesbian character. In Russia, the film was modified to make the character's sexual orientation invisible. References to homosexuality in films still cause outrage and censorship in 2020.


"Marvel": Soon a gay superhero at the movies?


"The Eternals": Who are these superheroes and what roles for Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek?

  • Marvel
  • Disney
  • Cinema