By RFIPalled on 18-09-2019editing 18-09-2019 at 10:23

After the Prime Minister and the King of the Belgians, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi met this Tuesday, September 17, the Belgian employers at the headquarters of the Federation of companies. The new Congolese head of state has decided for the first time since his arrival in Brussels to speak publicly before these business leaders and it has sold out.

In his speech to the Belgian employers, Felix Tshisekedi drew up an uncompromising assessment of the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), such as the lack of electricity, infrastructure and skilled labor. But also endemic corruption: 80% of state revenue does not reach the Treasury. However, the Congolese president asks Belgian business leaders to trust him.

" I would like to emphasize here that the Congo of today is a new Congo, and this Congo expects from Belgium an accompaniment ," he said. Make sure you stay on the side, watching us, you also miss opportunities . "

Turn the page of the Kabila era

Belgian entrepreneurs suffered bad relations between Belgium and Congo under the Kabila presidency . The arrival of Felix Tshisekedi in power is a boon for them, hence the enthusiasm for this meeting. Guy de Selliers, boss of the company HCF, is seduced.

" Everyone tells him. Corruption, he knows, has been so prevalent in this country for so long that it is not easy to eradicate it overnight , he says. But he seems to me quite determined to do it. I told him about a very important project. He understands right away . "

Belgian business leaders were also numerous because the meeting offered them the possibility of direct access to the Head of State. Felix Tshisekedi received them for more than two hours one after the other in person to listen to their proposals.

► See also: Belgium: signing of memorandums of understanding during the visit of President Tshisekedi

    On the same subject

    Voices rise against Tshisekedi's visit to Belgium

    Belgium: signing of memorandums of understanding during President Tshisekedi's visit

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