“It is clear why this is done, for many reasons: old cars are not environmentally friendly, not safe. That is, formally - all the reasons are there, ”the expert explained.

At the same time, he emphasized that in Russia the average age of a car is 12.5 years.

Therefore, any ban on old cars is dangerous because it hits the unprotected sections of the population, Morjaretto noted.

According to the expert, there are other, milder measures that allow a little renewal of the park.

“They acted in our country when the recycling program worked. When it was proposed to hand over the old car and get a very serious discount on the purchase of a new one. There are tax systems in different countries: for example, the older the car, the more you pay, but if you do change it, you will get a soft loan, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the State Duma came up with a proposal to ban the use of vehicles "that have reached the service life limit."