US President Donald Trump has been criticized for releasing the end of Sweden's 16-year-old environmental activist Greta Tunbery as "People of the Year" in US Times Weekly.

President Trump wrote on Twitter this morning that he was "very funny" about Toonberry's selection. "Greta should try to control his anger. Then go to a good old movie with a friend."

He added, "Calm Greta, calm down!"

It is not uncommon for President Trump to end up with someone who is different from his position, but that day targets teenagers.

President Trump was named Time of the Year 2016 and went up to five finalists this year.

Toonberry introduced himself on Twitter that 'a teenager who is trying to control his anger. I'm calming down and watching a good old movie with my friend. '

Tactfully responded to President Trump's indictment.

Trump's tweet aimed at a teenage girl was criticized.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry confessed to the Associated Press, "The most shameful, unpretentious, almost cowardly thing to do."

President Trump's tweets also said, "I can't believe it's stubborn and stupid enough to harass 16-year-old teenagers because they're jealous of being selected for this year's character."

"Anger addicts make fun of a sixteen-year-old girl."

This is not the first time President Trump, who denies climate change, has crossed Tunbury, emphasizing the urgency of responding to climate change.

President Trump mocked on Twitter at the UN General Assembly's Climate Action Summit in September, after a photo of Tunbury's shooting of himself became a topic, "Thunberry looked like a very happy little girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future." .

At that time, Tunbury responded by changing his Twitter account to "a very happy little girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future."

The day before, Time selected Tunbury as the person of the year.

Toonbury has remarkably rebuked the leaders of the world at the UN General Assembly.

President Trump accused Mr. Merkel of ruining Germany in 2015 when German Chancellor Angela Merkel was named Time of the Year.

Trump fell to the final candidate at the time.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)