Despite her few years of age (22 years), and her specialization in the field of analysis and medical laboratories, the Emirati Anoud Al-Dhaheri adheres to a dream of literature and novel, and insists on calling herself a beginner in her worlds, where she discovered the magic of books late as she says, but she is also insisting that one day she will become A brilliant Arabic name, after she started her career in 2016 with small attempts, translated it through the novel "Selfie from My Life", which is located in 131 pages of small size, then two other novels in 2019, namely, "Revenge of the Spirits" and "Tweet the Heart", which are Through them she tried to present her young literary experience and her talent for writing.

Varied experiences

About her movement between the method of realism in narrative narration, and its transition to literature of horror, or what was agreed to be called “the literature of excitement and suspense” in the novel “Revenge of Spirits”, Al-Dhahiri said, “I am in the process of experimenting with and testing different literary races and expressive tools, which I consider to be systematic alternatives that lead me to my goals.” In expressing my thoughts more clearly, but I have not yet favored a specific method, and in return I experience different public approaches that I find myself in a specific literary genre, and this sometimes pushes me towards the reality that I am trying to discover or reverse or even re-analyze, configure and criticize ». Al-Dhaheri adds, “Dark fantasies and psychological horror, which I devoted in (Revenge of Spirits), sided with his description through specific events and sequences, and this I do not deny that he refers me to pleasant, diverse and enjoyable worlds that I do not intend to dispense with at the present time, because I find myself in them, perhaps She sided with one of her in the future, but not now in any case.

Between reading and writing

Despite her old passion for writing and revelation of all the feelings and emotions in her chest that reveal her to her small books, but Anoud did not discover the worlds of knowledge and the magic of books until late “My childhood was not so much associated with reading as it was in writing, although I was not a passionate reader However, I proved exceptional distinction, in which I always scored the first positions in writing competitions at school, but that was not enough, because I did not realize the value of reading until when I actually started achieving my old dream of becoming a writer, so I looked in it for my misfortune and attended all book fairs. For asking questions and knowledgeable people, ” Banner «I was fortunate in that with the help of my aunt, who was fond of books, and we exchanged them and discussed their contents every time we met, but my mother never failed at an early stage to provide me with all that my little imagination needed at that time to grow, from stories and magazines that I choose carefully.

Success and praise

Today's Anoud Al-Dhaheri is proud of the echoes of her three novels among readers, inside and outside the Emirates, describing the remarkable success she gained by saying “very enthusiastic about the good echoes in my last novel (the revenge of souls), whether on my official pages on various social media or on private, interaction The great thing that I found from friends and followers who take the initiative to record their observations and comments and constructive criticism of the novel's content, construction and writing techniques that always lead me to avoid errors and lapses in the future, ”she added.“ I was also pleased with the opinion of a number of literary Gulf and mother names Coming in my novel, like the Kuwaiti novelist Abdul Rahman Al-Musawi, who saw in my experience a new vision and a different presentation of the methodology of narrating events in it, and this is a great catalyst for me to progress », pointing to her current preoccupation with preparing a novel that falls within the category of horror in which the writer will be treated through realistic events, and in a way that does not Not without suspense, some details of the complex psychological life of the protagonists.

In addition to the hobby of writing that I loved, Anoud Al-Dhaheri entered the world of drawing and shaping, to satisfy her desire to embody her wild fantasies through the shapes and colors that she described, saying, "I have always been attracted by drawing and formation in which I always tend to embody the beauty and charm of nature around me."

Heavy burdens

Despite its success in overcoming the obstacles of publishing and its heavy burdens, thanks to its contract with the Emirati publishing house "Madar for Publishing and Distribution", which believes in its role in stimulating an entire generation of promising Emirati youth in the fields of culture, poetry and literature, the Emirati Anoud Al Dhaheri has not hidden its dissatisfaction from dealing with a number of The publishing houses in the country with the Emirati abyss pens, and the unjust amounts they impose on writers in exchange for adopting their works, “Calculate me lucky with the facilities that I received from Madar for publication and distribution, and the reasonable budget required to publish my last two novels so far”.

“My childhood was not so much associated with reading as it was with writing.