
Yoo Jung-jeong, who was detained on charges for hiding her ex-husband and abandoning her body, appeared in her first trial today (12th). The government blamed the victim and claimed it was not a planned murder, but he was caught by the citizens as he left the court.

I'm JIBS Ha Chang-hoon.


Going into court on a convoy, Gojeong hid her face with her hair, bowed her head, and was extremely reluctant to expose her.

In the courtroom there was a fierce workshop. The government claimed that the incident was caused by the victim's perverted sexual desire.

He did not feed the victim with zolpidem, and he said it was not confirmed whether blood was detected.

Words such as zolpidem and nicotine that we searched on the Internet before the crime were claimed to have been a curiosity during the Club Burning Sun.

He also said that the word bone weight is only a related search term that came from the search for the current husband's potato soup.

[Ko Yu-jeong's lawyer: I'll tell you later when the information is organized. It's going to be a bit difficult right now.]

The prosecution immediately refuted. The blood spots on which zolpidem was detected were clearly identified as victims, and the related words were countered by a unique search.

[Kang Moon-hyuk / Victim of the survivor's survivor: This argument that drives the deceased into a very bad person is not intended to be human. To be judged by law.]

After the trial, a furious citizen shook his head in the convoy.

[Kim Hye-min / Jeju Eom Café Member: We are Mom. A mother with a child can't do that.]

The next hearing will be on the second day of the next month.

(Video coverage: Kim Ki-man JIBS)