The work environment plays an important role in performance in general, and the office we work on affects productivity in particular, where chaos in the place plays a role in stimulating productivity, according to a study published by Harvard Business School.

Some things are socially inappropriate for the workplace.

Here is a list of things to keep out of the office, according to Business Insider:

1. Eating: You may think that lunch at the office is smart to save time, but it may harm your productivity.

In an article published in NPR magazine in 2015, Professor Kimberly Elsbach of the University of California, Davis Senior Management School said: "Creativity and innovation happen when people change their environment."

So staying inside, in the same place, hurts creative thinking.

2. Dirty coffee cups: Unwashed coffee cups can add chaos and disorganization to your workspace.

3. Political slogans: Although everyone has the right to express their beliefs and opinions, this can lead to tension in work and unnecessary conflict.

4. Leaving legal papers: Employees should not leave papers for any legal proceedings in which they may participate in person or at work.

They are important information that colleagues do not have access to, and may be reflected negatively on you even if they are misunderstood.

5. Mobile phone: A study published in the Journal of the Consumer Research Association, found that the mere presence of the phone can distract the attention, even if it is in silent or turned off.

6 - Sweets: Whether you work in the office or at home, it is advisable to keep high-calorie snacks in the kitchen or a remote place until it is difficult to reach.

It's easy to keep eating while you're on a task.

7 - CV: The presence of the CV on your desk is a clear message that you are looking for a job, which breaks the confidence of managers to the employee.

8 - Fresheners: Some people may suffer from allergies to strong odors, or may not like the fragrances used by the taste of other colleagues.

9 - personal care products: such as a toothbrush or mirror and perfume, which determine the professionalism of the employee.