7 killer whales were launched on the beach and residents rescued Argentina September 17 9:48

Seven killer whales were found on the beach on the coast of Argentina in South America. Local residents rushed to the rescue and struggled with the killer whale giants and the rushing waves, but returned six of them to the sea. did.

On the 16th of the coast of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, local residents discovered seven killer whales launched on the beach.

Residents contacted the local authorities and returned two small killer whales that could be considered children to the sea.

After that, the residents surrounded the killer whales with a total of about 40 people, along with local life savers and marine biologists who had rushed to rescue the killer whales that seem to have a weight of 5 tons.

Then, using the nets and ropes, he pulled gradually toward the sea, and returned to the sea while struggling with the giant killer whale and the waves rushing.

Although one of them died, six people were able to return safely to the sea as a result of the rescue efforts of the residents.

Local media tells us that it is rare for multiple killer whales to be launched on the beach, and that it was caused by the fact that they were separated from the leader who pulled the crowd.