Menna Jameel - Istanbul

Turkish women are known for their interest in natural recipes and always look for a natural alternative based on herbs and plants in order to preserve their beauty, especially her skin.

Although Turkey is known for its various cosmetic procedures, women do not prefer to undergo it.Turkish is competing for appearance with flawless skin and dandruff hair.Wavy hair is not their favorite, so they use natural materials, which are not without any house, but reveal to you The secret of Turkish beauty.

1- Mask lightening tan
Turks rely on sun tanning as a rice flour mask recipe, which consists of two tablespoons of rice flour, half a small cucumber fruit, lemon juice, one teaspoon of silt, and one teaspoon of white honey (in case of dry skin).

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin for 25 minutes, then wash the face with cold water, then apply one of the moisturizing creams, and women can repeat the recipe once a week or once every three days as needed.

2 - Botox natural hair
Ingredients: half a banana fruit (the whole fruit can be used in the case of long hair), 20 grams of live fresh yeast, one egg, one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of white honey, the amount of apple cider vinegar to wash hair.

How to use: Mix bananas and yeast (mixing machine can be used), then add eggs, honey, olive oil and mix all ingredients until they become liquid.

Leave the mixture on the hair for at least 4 hours, wash the hair with water and apple cider vinegar to remove the smell of eggs.

3- Mask to prevent hair loss
This mask is used to prevent hair loss by mixing a tablespoon of sesame oil, two tablespoons of violet leaf oil, egg yolk, the mixture can be applied for an hour and then wash the hair. Using this mask twice a week resists hair loss in a natural way.

Turkish women do not pay attention to plastic surgery

4 - Mask dark circles
With only two ingredients, this mask can be carried out by mixing human green apple fruit with a teaspoon of Turkish coffee, then placing part of the mixture in two thin gauze pieces and closing them.

Gauze pieces are placed under the eyes while waiting for 15 minutes, it is recommended to regularly apply this mask daily for better results.

5- Mask to remove traces of grains
With rice flour again with milk and honey, mix the ingredients to produce a grain-removing mask, which is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, and this mask can be made twice a week.

It is recommended to try the mask on the hand first to test the sensitivity of the skin.

6- Porcelain mask
The porcelain mask relieves the skin of black pimples, and consists of the fruit of boiled potatoes, marrow and aloe jelly, and a spoon of yogurt (yogurt).

Mix all ingredients and place on the area to be treated for 15 minutes, then wash the area with water.