240,000 power transmission towers nationwide to check for collapse due to typhoon, etc.


Following the collapse of the transmission tower during typhoon 15 last year, all 240,000 towers nationwide have been inspected.

In Typhoon No. 15 last September, two 50-meter-high power transmission towers collapsed in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, causing a major power outage.

Experts have shown that the tower was set up on a steep slope near the shore, and a combination of conditions amplified the wind, causing the collapse.

For this reason, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has instituted a policy to instruct power companies across the country to inspect all towers in other areas, considering that towers may collapse under certain conditions.

There are 240,000 pylons nationwide, but after checking records of the location and maintenance, make a reinforced plan for pylons if necessary, and request a report by March. I am.

In addition, regarding transmission towers, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has decided to revise the strength standards that are uniform throughout the country according to the actual conditions of the region. It is expected to be raised.