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Atlantic whale, on the Argentine coast (illustration image). Reuters / Maxi Jonas

A nice show was held earlier this week in Ireland. A couple of humpback whales have been observed off the coast of Kerry, southwest of the island. And the most surprising thing is that these same whales had already been observed, exactly twenty years ago.

With our correspondent in Dublin, Émeline Vin

They are known as " number 1 " and " number 2 ", these two humpback whales , about fifteen meters long, are recognizable thanks to the distinctive marks on their caudal fin.

In 1999, these were the first specimens to enter the registry of the Irish Cetacean Watch Group. The Irish Whale Dolphins Group expressed its surprise to see the two whales together again, long after their first documented appearance.

https://t.co/6adzFQ08fF pic.twitter.com/ZZCujjOQI4

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (@IWDGnews) September 23, 2019

It is not uncommon to see cetaceans, whales, dolphins, off the coast, in the fall. Ireland is a crossing point during their migration between Africa and Scandinavia. But beyond the beautiful story, if the whales return to the west coast of Ireland, it is because they are quiet and especially that they find there to eat, herring or cod. A sign of good health for Irish waters.

The story of " number 1 " and " number 2 " is not quite isolated. Twenty years ago, a third whale accompanied them. It has already been reviewed 14 times, including one this year. The animal has been nicknamed " Boomerang ".