Lawyer and legal advisor, Mansour Al-Mazmi, confirmed that violating the Ministry of Education’s decision to ban all forms of remedial lessons for male and female students (private lessons with direct encounter) puts the teacher and students under the updated regulations for controlling administrative violations and penalties, and the Cabinet’s decision to limit From the spread of the Corona virus, the teacher’s fine is 10,000 dirhams, and each student’s fine is 5,000 dirhams.

In detail, Al-Mazmi stressed to «Emirates Today» that the phenomenon of providing private lessons at the present time is very dangerous, and contradicts the decisions issued by the state, and from the Ministry of Education that issued a decision prohibiting all forms of remedial lessons that are offered to students, with the exception of the lessons provided on Dimension, as the risk of spreading the virus is very strong by the teacher’s movement from one house to another.

He said that «the state has taken, during the past weeks, a set of important precautionary measures and measures to activate the social divergence system at the level of many sectors, including work, education, health, sports, etc., by activating the system of work and distance study, and the Cabinet has issued a list of violations of precautionary measures , And its main purpose is to limit the spread of the virus by natural contact between members of society, ”stressing the necessity to respect the decisions issued by the government regarding the precautionary measures that must be taken, and not to violate them as a guarantee to limit the spread of the Corona virus.

Al-Mazmi added that, according to Resolution No. 38 of 2020 issued by the Attorney General of the State, regarding the implementation of the updated regulations for controlling administrative violations and penalties, issued by Cabinet Resolution No. 17 of 2020, to limit the spread of the Corona virus, private lessons in homes Or educational centers fall within the violation of restricting gatherings or meetings, which stipulates the prevention or restriction of gatherings or meetings, and which stipulates a “fine of 10 thousand dirhams for those who invited and organized, and 5,000 dirhams for everyone who participated in relation to the violation of preventing or restricting gatherings or meetings, or establishing Private and public celebrations, or gathering a Presence in public places or private farms or estates », and so fine 10 thousand dirhams located on the teacher, and 5,000 dirhams fine on each student to attend the lesson.

He pointed out that in the event that the teacher was infected and he knew that, it would inevitably lead to the transmission of the injury to the student who will teach him, and according to the law in force control, this action is a crime, as Article 33 stipulates that “the injured person when he knows that he has one of the diseases listed In Table No. (1) attached to the law, adherence to preventive measures and implementation of prescriptions, and adherence to the instructions given to him, in order to prevent the transmission of infection to others. ”Article 38 of the same law stipulated the penalty prescribed for this act.“ Anyone who violates any provision Items (1) and (2) of Article (31) and Article Yen (32) and (33) of this law, imprisonment, and a fine of not less than 10 thousand dirhams and not exceeding 50 thousand dirhams, or either of them ».

Al-Mazmi added that if the head of the family knows about the presence of the virus among his family members, and the private teacher is allowed to enter and mix with his house, then this act is to deliberately transmit the disease to the private teacher, who in turn will transfer it to another house, as stipulated in Article 34 of the Disease Control Law Applicable: “Any person who knows that he is ill with one of the diseases listed in Table No. 1 attached to this law is prohibited from intentionally engaging in any behavior that results in the transmission of the disease to others.”

He pointed out that Article 39 of the same law stipulates the punishment prescribed for this act: “Anyone who violates the provisions of Article (34) of this law shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years, and a fine of no less than 50 thousand dirhams and not exceeding 100 thousand dirhams, Or one of these two penalties, and in the event of recidivism, the prison term will be doubled.

Distance lessons

On Thursday, the Ministry of Education issued a decision prohibiting all forms of remedial lessons, which are offered to male and female students, and the practice of teaching by direct encounter in private places and educational centers designated for this purpose, and in homes, and excluded from that lessons provided remotely.

And "Education" said in its decision that "this measure comes within the framework of its commitment to apply preventive measures and precautionary measures to confront the new Corona virus, which would preserve students’ safety, safety, and health in particular, and community safety and health security in general. "

• “Education” prohibited all forms of direct remedial classes, with the aim of limiting the spread of infection.