<Oh! Click> The last query asks, "What is your flank posture 8 hours?" is.

George Hood, a 62-year-old American man, was the longest flanked man in the world and showed off in the Guinness Book of Records.

Plank is a high-intensity abs workout that keeps your elbows on the ground and straightens.

Mr. Hood survived 8 hours 15 minutes 15 seconds in this state.
A native of the US Marine Corps and a drug control agent, he first started flanking in 2011.

After losing in a match with Chinese police officer Mao Wei-dong in 2016, he spent as much as 2,100 hours in practice to surpass his record of 8 hours and 1 minute.
He spent four to five hours of practice flanks every day for eighteen months, with 2,000 daily sit-ups and seven hundred push-ups.

"I endured the pain of burning in my elbow," he concluded the Guinness challenge to retire at the end of this record.

The netizens who saw this "I'm 8 minutes .. 80 seconds hard but really great!" "Plank pain that only people who have tried ~~" responded.