Wonder Girls singer Hot Felt (Yoon Eun) has become a motif for the new song, I released the text I received from my boyfriend.

On October 4, Hotpelt published his character "Happy NOW," through his instagram, "I wish you happiness, but I hope you will live happily, I have released a text capture book from my boyfriend.

In the public letter, my ex-boyfriend apologized to Hotfelt for the so-called "diving farewell".

In her letter, Hotfelt's ex-boyfriend said, "I really want to apologize for the diving I've done. It's something you should never do between people, but I'm really sorry to have acted unilaterally."

"I do not know if I can believe it, but I have a lot of worries, and I did not know where to start talking again. It was a ridiculous excuse," he said, "and I thought, I am sorry that I have done everything worse than other men. "

My ex-boyfriend said, "I've always been really sincere during my meeting, and I've always thought that I really want to be happy even if it's not because of me." "It's too sad to express my thoughts in words or words. "He said.

He said, "I also go into the same men you think you are, but I have never acted differently from my heart." I do not know how to finish, but I want to apologize properly and I'm sorry. "

When the characters were released, the netizens responded with a cheering reaction to the hot felt, which would have been hurt by the "diving farewell." Some of the netizens said that they had opened their privacy, saying 'TMI' ('Too Much Information' ). Controversy dated Hotfelt has deleted this post.

Hotfelt appeared in MBC Everlon Entertainment 'Video Star' last April and said, "My recent love affair has ended badly (my ex-boyfriend) dived with a dive." " I was happy now, and I said, 'Are you happy?' "

Hot Now, a new song "Happy Now," released on January 1, features a direct and paradoxical lyrics that the other party hopes will never be happy, and Mama Mu Moon participated in the featuring.

(Configuration = Korean Wave Editor)
(Photo = Yaun Instagram)

(SBS Steve Star)