
On Wednesday, a friendly economy, Economy Minister Kwon Ari is out. Kwon, today (10th) Dawn Korean government started to talk about Japanese export control measures on the international stage?


Yes, we have begun publicizing this issue on the urgent agenda of the World Trade Organization (WTO) commodity and trade board in Geneva, Switzerland.

We have pointed out that it is unfair for Japan to pick up South Korea and aim at economic retaliation for political reasons, and it causes problems in the electronics industry all over the world.

In fact, there is a price for meetings of these international organizations. This meeting is usually a meeting among diplomats attended by a corporation or a councilor.

This time, the ambassador, who is a higher class member than the representative of the State of Geneva, came out directly and focused his attention on the fact that Japan's action is not the attitude of a nation that is defending free trade.

On the contrary, Japan has checked export systems related to security. I reiterated that it had returned the existing preferences to normal.


Today, we are talking about the urgent agenda of the WTO litigation, and will it be filed soon?


Yes, the position of both sides from the conference itself can be said to have shown some logic in the international arena that both sides are fighting for positions.

Anyway today was a public debate. The complaint may be filed at the end of this month at the earliest. Because the measures taken by Japan are not precisely the export ban.

In the meantime, it is said that the companies will actually spend about 90 days or so in the future in order to trade products with Korea, which is a major trading partner.

Japan is now in violation of this clause of the WTO Agreement because it is now ten days and Japan needs to figure out how to actually implement this measure and limit exports in some way. You can begin the formal petition process by presenting it more specifically to the WTO.

Actually, however, the international public debate that started today and the complaint are on track. Because it takes at least two and a half years to get the final win and lose from the petition.

If, in the meantime, Japan is seriously limiting the amount of semiconductor core materials we sell to us, on the contrary, if we do not really need it, we should try to buy more, or more importantly, uncertainty in our core areas like the semiconductor industry. If you drag this system down and get real economic damage.

A few years later, it does not make much sense. Japan is also an economically damaging aspect. That's why the petition itself is meaningful.

We must negotiate, protest, and pressure multilaterally with Japan, and we can file a complaint as one of the basic cards of the International Press Conference that we must push forward now.

The objective is to raise public opinion on the image of Japan as a nation that maintains rules and trust, a country that is free to trade, and a country that can be relieved in the international community. I want to find a moment.


In the case of Japan, we are talking about the North Korean problem because of the United States, which is also very important. Is not this also coming out?


Yes, so we also refuted the logic very immediately. In fact, for us, it is best for the United States to come to mediation quickly and take our side.

It 's the atmosphere that the United States is watching. In fact, the United States has some observations that the US government is not going to try to intervene in this Korea-Japan trade conflict in a short time.

Once I look at the economic side, I'm going to tap the calculator to see how it would be better for the United States to get in.

Moreover, as we have seen in the recent US-China trade war, the United States has taken a lot of steps to strengthen protection trade and take economic retaliation against political issues, even if it sacrifices some of the immediate economic benefits these days.

Abe is the president of the United States, China and other countries to come out of the story about President Trump.

Most of all, the strategy that the US is taking in East Asia is traditionally a cooperation between Korea and America.

This cooperation between Korea and the United States is of course still important, but there are some attitudes to reduce the influence of China in all the countries around China. The tensions with North Korea are actually alleviated.

When we look at this big frame, the United States will intervene, and there seems to be a flow of time enough to judge when and how to do it.

Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is going to the US. Next week, the chief negotiator will go and seek cooperation. It is in this situation that we should hope that diplomacy can be achieved in a more favorable direction for us.