

  ● 近年来,临期食品市场越来越火爆,线上线下的临期食品促销专区、临期食品专卖店如雨后春笋一般涌现

  ● 临期食品火爆后,一些问题随之而来:一些商家受利益驱使,篡改临期食品的生产日期,用过期食品冒充临期食品;一些消费者缺乏挑选临期食品的知识和经验,一次性购买大量临期食品,却无法在保质期内食用完,导致食品浪费……

  ● 2012年6月,国务院发布《关于加强食品安全工作的决定》规定,食品经营者要建立并执行临近保质期食品的消费提示制度,严禁更换包装和日期再行销售;2021年4月实施的反食品浪费法规定,超市、商场等食品经营者应当对其经营的食品加强日常检查,对临近保质期的食品分类管理,作特别标示或者集中陈列出售

  ● 为规范临期食品市场,受访专家建议监管部门要加强行业监管,定期开展专项检查,严查临期、过期食品翻新销售等违法行为;商家也要提高自律意识,尤其是电商平台应履行好监督职责

  □ 本报见习记者 张守坤

  □ 本报记者 赵 丽















  According to Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering of China Agricultural University, the "appreciation period" is actually a Japanese term, which refers to the best tasting period for food.

"Taste period" and "imminent period" foods may have slight differences in taste and flavor, but there is no difference in quality and safety. However, consumers are easily confused. It is recommended that businesses indicate two dates on the food. One is the best tasting period, and the other is the shelf life, which is convenient for consumers to choose and judge.

  Tamper with the date to shoddy

  The quality of the supply is difficult to guarantee

  With the increasing demand for expiring food, the acquisition of expiring food has now changed from a buyer's market to a seller's market.

  Wang Jie, a buyer of temporary food from Anhui, told reporters: "When the goods were purchased in the past, the other party wanted to get rid of them quickly. Now the temporary food is on fire, and the price must be quoted first when receiving the goods. The price is often still being negotiated, and the goods have been taken away by others. Now, the profit margins of making expiring food are getting smaller and smaller.”

  Wang Jie said that the regular delivery channels for temporary food products include dealer inventory, direct supply from brands, community group purchase suppliers, and supermarket chain returns.

"Most brands have a remaining shelf life of one or two months, and it is relatively common to have only a few weeks left. We seldom take this kind of goods. The food is a fast-forwarding and fast-selling industry, and the quantity of purchases is relatively large. , in case it can't be sold, the money will be lost. In this case, some merchants will falsely mark the original price, or even tamper with the production date, use expired products to pretend to be expired products, or buy some food from unknown channels, deceiving customer."

  The reporter consulted 5 stores on an e-commerce platform, and the other parties all ensured that the purchase channel was regular and there would be no problems, but no customer service responded positively to the purchase channel.

In the comments of buyers of some commodities, the reporter saw many people mentioning comments such as "the eight bags of biscuits I bought were all broken", "I had diarrhea a few times after eating", and "it's different from what my friends bought in the supermarket".

  Wang Jie found that some merchants re-printed the expired food before putting it on the shelves, and the expired products that are easy to re-code are often the production date printed by ink, and the production date of hot stamping, laser printing, steel stamping, and hot stamping is very important. Difficult to change.

  "Therefore, consumers must pay attention to whether there are traces of wiping around when purchasing, whether the inkjet is even and bright, whether it can be wiped with water, etc." Wang Jie reminded.

  Zhu Yi said that in order to pursue improper interests, some businesses do change the expired food into a "vest" and put the label of expiring food into the market again. This is not good for the healthy development of the snack food industry, and it will also damage the health of consumers. Health and buying experience.










  Recently, taking the opportunity of the temporary food pilot work in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the Zhangjiagang City Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province formulated two system specifications, the "Temporary Food Safety Management Specification" and the "Temporary Food Anti-Waste Guide", to clarify the temporary food safety management. Standardize and guide all units to establish standardized shelves for expiring food and special personnel to manage shelves according to their own actual conditions, and improve the special management system for expiring food.

Created the first online trading platform for temporary food in Suzhou, which directly connected with local large-scale food companies and major shopping malls and supermarkets, and improved the processing capacity of temporary food and the quality of food consumption services.

  In order to regulate the food market in the temporary period, Zhu Yi suggested that the regulatory authorities must strengthen the supervision of the industry, carry out special inspections on a regular basis, and strictly investigate the illegal activities such as the refurbishment and sales of food in the temporary period and expired food. The social responsibility of good supervision.

  According to Zhu Yi, Beijing has issued a very detailed standard for expiring food before, and the critical standard is also very clear.

For example, the expiry date of a food with a shelf life of one year or more is set 45 days before the expiration date, such as canned candy; the expiration date of the food with a shelf life of 6 months to one year is set 20 days before the expiration date, such as room temperature milk.

If the shelf life is between 3 months and 6 months, the expiry period refers to 15 days before the expiration date, such as some vacuum-packed foods, frozen foods, etc.

  "Relevant state departments can study and formulate relevant management systems for temporary food according to this standard, and define the period of temporary food." Zhu Yi said.

  Cheng Shengkui, chairman of the Chinese Society of Natural Resources and a researcher at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, told reporters that foreign food donation systems can be used for reference in food management measures for temporary food.

For example, the food bank in the United States is a non-profit organization that collects the food in the supermarket and uses it for donation. "my country can also develop gradually in the direction of food banks."

  "In addition, in addition to marking the shelf life on the food packaging, you can also mark the best taste period, the best eating period or the best tasting period. The food that has passed the best eating period will be sold at a discount or donated directly to Charitable organizations. For the problems existing in the temporary food, the relevant departments and enterprises still need further research to ensure the safety of food while reducing food waste." Cheng Shengkui said.