
逮捕されたのは、東京 中央区にあるペットのイベント企画やペットホテルの事業を手がける「LA・Chatte」の代表取締役、田中末広、本名 鄭末広容疑者(70)です。







This tax evasion case was discovered as the cat-related market expanded.

The Pet Food Association, an industry group of pet food manufacturers, estimates that the number of cats raised in Japan last year was 8,946,000.

In the past, the number of dogs was higher than that of dogs, but while the number of dogs continues to decrease, the number of cats continues to increase. ..

An estimated 489,000 cats were newly bred last year, the highest number since 2013 when comparisons are possible.

As the cat-related market expands, the events that set the stage for this incident have also been held in various places.

Suspected misuse of the consumption tax system

In this case, it is suspected that the consumption tax system was abused.

If the consumption tax paid by the business operator is higher than the consumption tax paid at the time of purchase, the difference is paid to the country, and conversely, if the consumption tax paid at the time of purchase is higher, the consumption tax is paid. It is a mechanism to receive a refund from the country.

For example, a company purchases materials for 700,000 yen and pays a consumption tax of 70,000 yen.

If this company manufactures and sells products and records sales of 1 million yen, the consumption tax amount received from customers will be 100,000 yen.

In this case, the company will pay 30,000 yen to the country, which is the consumption tax of 100,000 yen received minus the 70,000 yen paid at the time of purchase.

On the contrary, if the business is not working well and the consumption tax received with sales is 30,000 yen and the consumption tax paid at the time of purchase is 100,000 yen, the business operator will be refunded 70,000 yen from the government. It has become.

In this case, it is suspected that it cost a lot to buy a cat and that the amount of consumption tax paid was higher, and that he illegally applied for a refund of 190 million yen.

The NTA is strengthening its investigation system, saying that fraudulent refunds of consumption tax are acts of deceiving taxes from the country.

According to the National Tax Agency, the illegal refund of consumption tax found in the tax audit during the year up to June last year was 3.4 billion yen, an increase of 37% from the previous year.