Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Park Soon-ae said that he would carry out 'education reform' from a future perspective so that we can provide education services that students and people want, away from the interests of education providers.

In addition, he took office without a personnel hearing at the National Assembly amid a series of allegations such as drunk driving, saying, "It was different from the public's expectations," he said.

We prepared the image of Minister Park Soon-ae, who continued to have a firm expression at the appointment ceremony, inauguration ceremony, and the press conference that followed.

We also listened to Minister Park's stories about her unusual sentence for driving under the influence of alcohol, her reasons for choosing her, her blueprint for education reform, and what she wants to achieve during her tenure. 

(Report: Kim Kyung-hee, Video coverage: Kim Min-cheol, Composition: Kim Do-kyun, Editing: Han Man-gil, Production: D Content Planning Department)