While arguing with a father in his 80s, a middle sentence was sentenced to a daughter who killed him by assaulting him, and criticism is emerging that the fairness of the sentence is questioned.

According to the Cheongju District Law Jecheon Branch Criminal Division (Jun-woo Nam), in April, 54-year-old A was drinking alcohol with her father, 81-year-old B, in a house in Jecheon-si. As soon as I poured it, I was assaulted.

Mr. A was handed over to trial on charges of slapping Mr. B with his hands and feet and forcing him to take a large amount of blood pressure medication, eventually killing him.

At that time, Mr. A reported that "the father died for no reason," but when traces of the assault were found in Mr. B, he was arrested by the police as an active criminal.

In the trial yesterday (13th), it was revealed that Mr. A was continually assaulted by his father, B, who had a violent tendency as a child, and after his parents divorced, he grew up being despised by his stepmother and half brothers.

The court sentenced Mr. A to a severe sentence of 20 years in prison, saying, "We took into account the fact that the defendant led to the crime due to such family circumstances, resentment against the victim, and anger."

However, as the results of the trial are known, there are reactions among netizens that "perpetual killing is a serious crime. Even so, we cannot understand the judgment." It is said that a remarkably heavier sentence was given than the recent murder cases that have garnered public attention, especially the case of the son who killed his parents.

In September 2018, when a man in his 50s strangled to death while arguing with his mother in September 2018, the court sentenced him to 10 years in prison, taking into account "the defendant lived with the victim for five years."

In May, a man in his twenties who regularly assaulted his father for about five years and eventually murdered him was imprisoned for eight years, according to the judgment of the court that "having domestic violence from his alcoholic father as a child seems to have affected the crime." Has been sentenced.

In addition, a man in his thirties who killed his father by assaulting his father in April because he was unable to endure domestic violence was avoided from imprisonment in response to the opinion of the jury that he wished to suspend execution.

Netizens compared the judgments of the courts in similar cases, saying, "I don't know the criteria for sentencing for the crime of perpetuity." Pointed out.

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(Photo = Yonhap News)